Polylang 多语言
Polylang Pro
Polylang for WooCommerce
Hyyan WooCommerce Polylang Integration 分类支持
Theme and plugin translation for Polylang (TTfP) 主题和插件支持,但视乎无效
Lingotek Translation 自动翻译外挂
Polylang 添加自定义字符串,加入functions.php
<?php pll_e('Hello World!'); ?> add_action('init', function() { pll_register_string('porto-theme', 'Hello World!'); });
function your_prefix_after_setup_theme() { // register our translatable strings - again first check if function exists. if ( function_exists( 'pll_register_string' ) ) { pll_register_string( 'ToggleNavigation', 'Toggle navigation', 'YourThemeName', false ); pll_register_string( 'ToggleSearch', 'Toggle Search', 'YourThemeName', false ); pll_register_string('404Message', 'It looks like nothing was found. Try getting back to the <a href="%s">home page</a>.', 'YourThemeName', true); } } add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'your_prefix_after_setup_theme' );